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Why the World Race? This honestly is the question that I get asked the most and one that I continue to ask myself since being offered a spot on the Southeast Asia trip. This past fall semester at college had been nothing close to what I thought it would’ve been. There have been so many changes in myself, relationships, atmosphere, and motivation to do homework. Early November I was having trouble knowing my purpose and what I wanted my life to look like after college; granted that is not something I need to know right now, but it made me think of who I am and how I portray myself to others. Am I loving people enough? I’m outgoing, but how outgoing? Do I really want to be a teacher or am I created for something more? These thoughts kept spinning in my head and I felt stuck. Then the World Race kept popping up all over the place.

I love to love people and engage in deep conversations. Getting to know each individual’s story is so radical. Coffee dates are my favorite because of two things: 1. I love coffee. In my experience, Jesus and coffee go together quite nicely. 2. Most people can’t drink a whole cup of coffee in under 30 minutes. You tend to sip on the goodness and enjoy the moments surrounding it. Time slows down as you savor each sip. The beautiful thing about sitting down for a coffee date is, that you can’t rush it and that’s when the vulnerability, stories, and God’s goodness shine through conversation. After most coffee dates, I often think how honored I am to have gotten to know another human that God created in His image and how He has worked in their life. How amazing is that?!  I now get to be in a relationship with this person and continue to get to know the person that God created them to be!

A coffee date or not, the point is a conversation can go a long way. Making an effort to get to know someone could be a highlight of the week or life-changing. Our whole world is based on relationships. God designed us to live together, not separate. The one relationship we needed, was the one we walked out on. Yet, He stands at the door inviting us back in. Even in our brokenness, He welcomes us back with arms wide open. He could not love us any more or any less. He demonstrated the purest form of true love when He suffered for us. Disney movies tend to say “True love always wins,” but Jesus was the one who proved it. I want to extend my hand out and walk back in the door of true love with the people that Jesus died for.

As much as I love Spokane and the ministry I have been a part of here, the urge and calling I felt to get to know other people’s stories outside of my hometown has never felt so clear. To think that there are people outside of my circle, my city, my state, and my country, who all have a story of their own, who have or haven’t experienced Jesus, and who need love is mind-blowing. My heart to walk with Jesus and show people even a sliver of who He is is so big. I pray that my time on the Race is challenging, gut-wrenching, heart-transforming, and something that will impact at least one person.


Thank you Jesus for this wonderful life I live, the amazing people that you have surrounded me with, and this beautiful, tempory home that I get to enjoy.




3 responses to “Why the World Race?”

    • Rylee, so proud of you for your willingness to step out of your comfort zone to serve God and teach others about the saving grace of God through Jesus.

      It’s not always an easy journey to reach out to unchurched people but we know God will be watching over your travels and keep you smiling and sharing your passions and love for Jesus. Can’t wait to hear about the people God sends your way.🙏❤️

  1. So beautifully written Ry. We will be praying for you and that the Lord brings the right people at the right time to minister to you and you to them! Love you so much❤️

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Rylee Lupton

This blog for Rylee Lupton is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.